Proximal Ulna Plate

Designed to effectively fix the proximal tip of the olecranon and prevent avulsion of the triceps insertion

Optimized home run screw trajectory



Alternate constructs with multiple horizontal proximal screws

Suture anchor points incorporate triceps for added stability4

  1. Deepened Central Concavity: To accommodates PUDA and dorsal ulnar ridge
  2. Suture Holes: For soft tissue repair
  3. Single Home Run Tab: For preserving the triceps insertion
  4. Suture Anchor Points: Incorporate triceps for added stability4

360º Construct Rotation

(Drag to rotate)


PUBLISHED CLINICAL DATA:  4Izzi J, Athwal GS. (2012) An Off-Loading Triceps Suture for Augmentation of Plate Fixation in Comminuted Osteoporotic Fractures of the Olecranon. J Orthop Trauma, 26(1): 59-61. DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0b013e318214e64c

5Duckworth AD, Clement ND, White TO, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM. (20017) Plate Versus Tension-Band Wire Fixation for Olecranon Fractures: A Prospective Randomized Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 99(15): 1261-1273. DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.16.00773
